Cloud based Holistic
Automated and
Continuous enterprise
IT risk assessment
product which

◯  Evaluates the business risk for an organization

 Identifies vulnerabilities in digital assets and contextualizes

◯  Organizations achieve an acceptable risk level

◯  By prioritizing the appropriate remediation

Why Seconize DeRisk Centre?

Most attacks happen because security teams are buried under tones of issues reported by multiple tools and fixing issues that are not business critical attacks are happening at faster rate than the security teams able to migrate vulnerabilities!

Attacks are happening at faster rate than the security teams able to mitigate vulnerabilities!

✔️ Do you have the list of assets that includes cloud and on-premise to be protected?

✔️ Do you have list of issues prioritized based on risk that need immediate attention?

✔️ Do you know how to remediate the identified issues ?

Seconize DeRisk Centre enables you to address these challenges and automate your cybersecurity posture to reduce vulnerabilities and ensure compliance.
Continuous Risk Assessment

Attackers are working all the time. You need to continuously assess cyber threats and prioritize them. DeRisk Centre continuously analyzes your assets both in the Cloud and On premise

Minimize Risk & Compliance Issues

Identifying issues alone doesn't solve the problem. Managing risks is critical. Seconize DeRisk Centre prioritizes vulnerabilities and provides insights on the exact threats that needs immediate remediation and helps minimize the risk and compliance issues

Automate Compliance and security posture

Cyber security skilled recourses are expensive. Reduce manual works across vulnerability management using DeRisk automated processes that helps to reduce resource dependency and save you significant costs.

How it works

    • Connects to your cybersecurity, IT and business tools, and optional sensors  deployed across your network continuously discover and monitor your devices, Holistic coverage includes Websites, Web Applications, Database, Cloud Configurations, Cloud Workloads, Servers, Endpoints, Mobile applications.
    • The Seconize DeRisk Centre uses AI methodologies and patent pending machine learning algorithms to assesses operational IT risk levels of an Organization
    • The IT risk management features identifies the tactical risks the IT assets are exposed due to evolving threat landscape, existing vulnerabilities, asset misconfigurations, policy violations, security awareness and process gaps and prioritize vulnerabilities and prescribed necessary risk mitigation actions
      • Integration with ticketing and orchestration systems enable you to automate your cybersecurity posture.
    • Easy Interface Risk Dashboard and Reports enable you to reduce cyber risk reduction and demonstrate the value of your security program to senior leadership and the board.

How Customers Use DeRisk Centre

Risk Based Vulnerability Management

Improve your security posture and reduce overall risks by implementing the Continuous and Contextual Cyber Risk Management

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Compliance Management

Drive Regulatory / Standards Compliance with Automated Gap Assessments

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Seconize CSPM

Increased cloud adoption is necessary to compete in today’s world. Increased cloud adoption also brings increased exposure to cyber threats. Traditional ways of Vulnerability Assessments are not enough to identify, remediate and fix issues.

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Application Security Testing

Run independent Auto / Manual VA-PT to secure your Cloud, Network, WebApp & Mobile App

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