Risk Based Vulnerability Management

Is your effort spent on addressing false positives or prioritized risks?

Businesses are prone to increased attacks as the security teams are buried under tons of assessment reports and slow to identify the vulnerabilities that are key to their business. Most of the team’s precious effort is going towards addressing false positives

Let Seconize DeRisk Center Help Secure Your Digital Assets Using Risk Based Prioritization & Automation

Continuous Scanning Across Digital Assets & Prioritization

With Seconize you can now perform continuous scanning across all digital assets. The vulnerabilities are Prioritized based on key factors and recommendations given based on risk it poses to the organization.

Quicker Remediation

Based on the prioritized risks, resources are allocated to address the relevant issues and achieve a better security posture within days by using the auto-remediation feature.

Context driven assessment

Since each organization is unique, the solution takes into account the organization context while assessing the risk, and using inbuilt AI and ML algorithms, considers the threat to compute the risk.

Seconize DeRisk Center Is Packed With Features Every SMB & Enterprise Requires

Instant Asset On-boarding and Classification
  • DeRisk Center instantly onboards the Digital Assets using automated discovery and manual methods. Also provides Out of Box integrations with Asset Management and CMDBs.
  • Helps in flexible asset grouping and simplified Asset Classification for contextual Risk Scoring
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    Built-in or Bring your Own Scanners
  • DeRisk Center offers built-in scanners for various types of IT assets and applications and provides Native integrations with open source and commercial scanners.
  • Powerful Connector framework for integrations with numerous third party products
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    Continuous and Contextual Risk Prioritization
  • Manage your IT risks with patent pending “Predictive Risk Intelligence” technology that uses advanced Decision Science Algorithms for Risk Modelling
  • Contextual Risk scoring based on numerous risk factors like exploit availability, malware prevalence and Organization Context
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    Threat Intelligence Using AI/ML Alogirthms

    Product leverages a combination of

  • Proprietary Risk Intelligence generated using advanced AI/ML Algorithms
  • Numerous Open and Commercial sources of Threat Intelligence
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    In-built Workflows

    Access our simple and inbuilt workflows for

  • Managing Risks and Vulnerabilities driven by numerous metrics
  • Stakeholder Assignment and tracking
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    Streamline Remediation
  • Powerful integration with several ticketing systems like JIRA, Service Now
  • Streamline risk remediation and response with native REST APIs
  • Holistic Risk Assessment Provides Business Alignment Across Departments

    Seconize solution is unique in terms of Holistic Risk assessment, so all functions of business are aligned by having a unified view of risks of all the assets of the company,


    Gain visibility across the entire organization on a real time basis


    Know the security profile, the overall exposure, and the investments needed to bring the risk posture to acceptable levels

    IT Team

    And the IT team can get to root cause of the problem and the associated remediation

    Seconize Intro to RBVM

    There is a common saying

    “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

    This applies very much to IT risk management and cyber security.

    Most CISO, CIO heads we meet, express a common problem, which is how to overcome the increasing number of cyber security issues with limited resources and time.

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