A large semiconductor company with offices globally in many countries. Customer has dynamic IT environment with employees, partners, vendors connecting to corporate network globally.
Customer Situation
Lacks globally visibility of their IT Risk posture on a continuous basis.
Uses multiple IT vulnerability management tools that do not give risk views and dashboards based on different departments, business units and locations.
IT teams have hard time to translate technical vulnerabilities into business risk to present it to executives and leadership teams
Seconize Solution
Seconize DeRisk center is a comprehensive risk assessment product that leverages analytics, business context, and automation to proactively identify risks, ahead of a security breach.
The core value proposition of Seconize DeRisk Centre (DRC) is in identifying the different vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure and translating them into potential risks based on the Organization’s context.
Further such risks are prioritized using advanced decision science algorithms using numerous factors that contributed to the likelihood of the impact.
IT / Business – Benefits & Key Outcomes
Using Automated and Integrated IT Risk Assessments discovered attack vectors which were not seen with individual assessments.
Translating to Business Risks helps in optimizing security spending
Improved productivity among the IT Security staff due to automating the IT risk management process.