Customer Profile

A large semiconductor company with offices globally in many countries. Customer has dynamic IT environment with employees, partners, vendors connecting to corporate network globally.

Customer Situation
  • Lacks  globally visibility of their IT Risk posture on a continuous basis.
  • Uses multiple IT vulnerability management tools that do not give risk views and dashboards based on different departments, business units and locations.
  • IT teams have hard time to translate technical vulnerabilities into business risk to present it to executives and leadership teams
Seconize Solution
  • Seconize DeRisk center is a comprehensive risk assessment product that leverages analytics, business context, and automation to proactively identify risks, ahead of a security breach.
  • The core value proposition of Seconize DeRisk Centre (DRC) is in identifying the different vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure and translating them into potential risks based on the Organization’s context.
  • Further such risks are prioritized using advanced decision science algorithms using numerous factors that contributed to the likelihood of the impact.
IT / Business – Benefits & Key Outcomes
  • Using Automated and Integrated IT Risk Assessments discovered attack vectors which were not seen with individual assessments.
  • Translating to Business Risks helps in optimizing security spending
  • Improved productivity among the IT Security staff due to automating the IT risk management process.
Top Cyber Risks
  • Loss of Intellectual Property
  • Loss of Customer Data
  • Disruptions of Operations
  • Loss of Reputation
Key Statistics
  • Visibility across the org
  • Risk views
  • Reduced risk exposure
Key Outcomes
  • Focus on risks instead of issues

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