Customer Profile

Customer is a large Real Estate Company that provides property development, property management services, hospitality and education services across India.

Customer Situation
  • Being brick and mortar company they outsource the IT operations, website and mobile app development for all their properties to vendors.
  • With increase in cyber attacks and brand reputation at stake, they want to assess, track and ensure applications being delivered by their vendors are with good cyber hygiene.
Seconize Solution
  • Seconize DeRisk center is a comprehensive risk assessment product that leverages analytics, business context, and automation to proactively identify risks, ahead of a security breach.
  • The core value proposition of Seconize DeRisk Centre (DRC) is in identifying the different vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure and translating them into potential risks based on the Organization’s context.
  • Further such risks are prioritized using advanced decision science algorithms using numerous factors that contributed to the likelihood of the impact.
IT / Business – Benefits & Key Outcomes
  • Reduced the risk of Web borne attacks like Website Defacement there by protecting Brand Reputation
  • Productivity increase in streamlining IT Risk Management by automation with minimal staff
  • Reduction in Customer churn rate due to reduce in risk of Data Thefts
Top Cyber Risks
  • Brand Reputation at stake due to website defacements
  • Higher customer churn rate due to data leakage to competitors.
  • Financial Losses due to increase in Customer Retention Costs
IT Infrastructure
  • Web applications – 40+
  • Virtual Machines – 30+
  • Cloud Accounts – 1
Key Assessments
  • Executive views for the Mgmt
  • IT Vendor Management

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